Friday, September 25, 2015

Rujukan Sekunder

RUJUKAN SEKUNDER                                                                 Updated: 18 April 2015

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File Needed

FILE NEEDED                                                                                             9 Mei 2015

4/1952 1952 Perak State Intelligence Sitrep (W/E/06/B/25/e/2)
1957/0305345 Perak State Intelligence Sitrep (No. Ruj: Perak Secretariat 3216/1948)
1957/0574417 Press Intelligence Bureau
1986/0003489 Secret Service Informers
1957/0297308 Accommodation for Mr. O’Flyn of the Criminal Intelligence Department II) Accommodation for Mr. W. Elplinstone, of Special Branch, Police Headquarters and Senior Officers (No. Ruj: SEL.SEC. 1586/1949
1957/0563285 Conversion of the disused court house in the police compound Kota Serang Semut to accommodate the intelligence branch officer (No. Ruj: S.E.E.N.K. 127-1952).
1957/0474684 Reward to Penghulu Saad bin H. Osman and others for showing considerable initiative and intelligence in arresting five Chinese who attempting to evade duty on a large consignment of matches (No. Ruj: RCP/CUST/507/1949).
CO 537/1477 Political Intelligence for the Information of Colonial Governors. 1946. (21 Apr 2015).
CO 537/1581 H.Q.  Malaya Command, Weekly Intelligence Review No. 32, Based on Information received up to 20 June 46 (Arkib Negara W/A/08/A/06/c/3).
CO 537/1582 H.Q.  Malaya Command, Weekly Intelligence Review No. 33, Based on Information received up to 1 July 46 (Arkib Negara W/A/08/A/06/c/3).
CO 537/1582 H.Q.  Malaya Command, Fortnightly Intelligence Review No. 45, Based on Information received up to 3 Dec 46 (Arkib Negara W/A/08/A/06/c/3).
CO 537/2140  H.Q.  Malaya Command. Fortnightly Intelligence Review No. 47, Based on Information received up to 30 Dec 46 (Arkib Negara W/A/08/A/06/c/3).
CO 537/2140  H.Q.  Malaya Command. Fortnightly Intelligence Review No. 60, Based on Information received up to 2 Jul 47 (Arkib Negara W/A/08/A/06/c/3).
1.      Review of the Internal Situation in Malaya
2.      Banditry on the Northern Border
3.      The Malay Youth Corps for Justice (API)
4.      Labour Unrest
5.      Morale of Troops
CO 537/2425 Anti-semitism: Allegations against Sir Henry Gurney. 1947. (21 Apr 2015).
CO 537/2752 Forecast world situation 1957: estimate of the military capabilities of the British Commonwealth and United States. 1947-1948. (21 Apr 2015).
CO 537/3556 Political summaries. 1948. (21 Apr 2015).
CO 537/5963 Australian military aid for Malaya (21 Apr 2015).
CO 537/6081 Indian government: representation in Malaya. 1950. (21 Apr 2015).
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CO 537/6405 Overseas Defence Committee: paper setting out experience gained on operations in Malaya, 1949. 1950. Open 25 February 2014.
CO 537/6406 Overseas Defence Committee: paper by Federation of Malaya on the organisational lessons of the 1948 Emergency; guidance for other Colonial Governments. 1950. Open 25 February 2014.
CO 537/6808 Civil defence: policy. 1951. Open 10 March 2011 (21 Apr 2015).
CO 537/7253 Political developments: consultations with the Malay rulers on the appointment of a High Commissioner. 1951. Release September 2008.
CO 537/7260 Federation of Malaya: police reorganisation; Special Branch (CID) 1951. Open 13 August 2008. (21 Apr 2015). Secured-Mahmud.
CO 717/171/4 Military situation: Federation of Malaya Police, combined intelligence reports. 1949.
CO 717/171/3 Military situation: Federation of Malaya Police, combined intelligence reports with maps. 1948.
CO 825/74/2 Political developments: proposal to appoint a Malay as Deputy High Commissioner. 1948
CO 825/74/3 Political intelligence in Malaya and Borneo. 1948
CO 825/74/4 Monthly political reports from Federation of Malaya. 1949 (Comber)
CO 1022 Colonial Office: South East Asia Department: Original Correspondence. This series contains correspondence of the South East Asia Department relating to Borneo, Brunei, Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore, and to the Federation of Malaya. Subject matter includes various aspects of those countries' internal and constitutional development, and international relations in south-east Asia as a whole. 1950- 1956. 6 Feb 2015.
CO 1022/1 General emergency situation in Malaya; good progress in war against bandits. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/2 Information supplied about the general emergency situation in Malaya. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/3 Representations about the sentence of death passed on Lee Ten Tai, or Lee Meng, by a Malayan court for unlawful possession of arms. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/4 Representations about the sentence of death passed on Lee Ten Tai, or Lee Meng, by a Malayan court for unlawful possession of arms. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/5 Representations about the sentence of death passed on Lee Ten Tai, or Lee Meng, by a Malayan court for unlawful possession of arms. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/7 Duties and powers of the Director of Operations against banditry in Malaya. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/8 Command organisation for the Emergency in Malaya. 1951-1953. 6 Feb 2015.
CO 1022/13 Security Forces weekly intelligence summaries on bandit activity in Malaya 1951-1952, 217 halaman, GBP 282.10.
CO 1022/21 Effect of the Emergency on the mining industry in Malaya: monthly reports on casualties and damage. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/22 Reports to Ministers on the situation in Malaya. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/24 Statement by the Officer administering the Government of Malaya to the Federal War Council at its 24th meeting in November 1951. 1951. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/25 Casualties among rubber planters in Malaya since the start of the Emergency. 1951. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/26 Use of chemicals in clearing under-growth near ambush points and in destroying terrorist crops in Malaya. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/28 Interrogation of captured Communist terrorists in Malaya; clearance of various reports and books on the subject 1952-1956.
CO 1022/29 Resettlement of squatters into the New Villagers in Malaya. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/30 Erection of perimeter fencing and other measures for the protection of settlement areas in Malaya. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/31 Medical and Health services in the new villages, Malaya. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/32 Education in the new villages, Malaya. 1952-1953. 6 Feb 2015.
CO 1022/34 Provision of information for the Cabinet on additional expenditure due to the emergency in Malaya. 1951. 3 Mar 2015.

CO 1022/35 Employment of local Home Guards against bandits in Malaya. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.

CO 1022/36 Kinta Valley Home Guards Malaya. 1952. 6 Feb 2015.
CO 1022/37 Co-operation with Thailand police in pursuit of terrorists in frontier incidents during the emergency in Malay. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/38 Future of police jungle companies in Malaya. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/41 Land given to villagers in exchange for information which led to the death of Communist bandits. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/43 Reports of intimidation of rubber workers by terrorists in Malaya. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/44 Problems of providing protection for rubber estates in Malaya. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/45 Communist propaganda in Malaya: identification of terrorists. Includes 3 photographs depicting: Malaya: British soldier holding decapitated heads of two guerillas; Dyak headhunter wearing beret and badge of Royal Marine Commandos carrying cleaned out scalp of guerilla. Dated 1952. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/46 Recovered documents of the Malayan Communist Party. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/47 Proposals for speeding up of prosecutions under Emergency Regulations in Malaya. 1951. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/48 Proposal that bandits in Malaya be known officially as Communist terrorists. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/49 Measures to encourage Communist terrorists to surrender: reports of surrenders. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/50 Raising of a new Special Operational Volunteer Force in Malaya from amongst surrendered terrorists willing to fight against their former tyrants in the jungle. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/51 Organization and functions of the Federation Intelligence Service in Malaya 1951-1952, 61 halaman, GBP 79.30.
CO 1022/52 Provision of personnel for counter intelligence work in Malaya. 1953-1954. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/53 Proposal to use displaced Amboinese to reinforce the security forces in Malaya. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/55 Punishment of the town of Sungei Pelak in Malaya for supplying food to the terrorists. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/57 Employment of Dyak headhunters with security forces in Malaya: difficulty in restraining them in relation to captured terrorists. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/58 Policy of relaxation of Emergency Regulations in Malaya where circumstances permit. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/60 Merging of War and Executive Councils of Malaya 1952, 18 halaman, GBP 23.40.
CO 1022/61 Proposals for closer political association between Colonial territories in South-East Asia. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/62 Comments on suggestions by A D Dodds-Parker MP concerning UK policy in the Far East and the Pacific. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/71 Rubber replanting schemes in Malaya. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/81 Policy of HMG towards the Federation of Malaya. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/85 Comments on the constitutional position of the Federation of Malaya; opinions expressed by two former senior members of the Malayan Civil Service, Purcell and Carnell. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/88 Consideration of ways of preserving UK interest in defence in any association of Singapore with Malaya. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/93 Agricultural development in the Federation of Malaya. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/98 Replacement of General Sir Gerald Templer with Sir Donald MacGillivray as High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya on expiration of Templer's term of office. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/99 Publication of change in administration of the Federation of Malaya deferred until 31 December 1953. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/100 High Commissioner's addresses to the Legislative Council of the Federation of Malaya from 1952 onwards. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/101 Appointment of High Commissioner and Deputy High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/102 HMG Directive to the High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya on his appointment concerning the aims of HMG as being self-government for Malaya within the Commonwealth. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/105 Denial by the new Malaya Commissioner of Police of any statement allegedly made to the London correspondent of the "Singapore Standard" newspaper. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/119 Monthly newsheet published in London, called "Malayan Monitor". 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/132 Detention and deportation in the Federation of Malaya; repatriation of undesirable Chinese; statistics of detention under Emergency Regulations. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/133 Detention and evacuation of all the villages of Tras, Malaya in connection with the murder of former UK High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/137 Deportation of British subjects from the Federation of Malaya only under the Banishment Ordinance or under Emergency Regulations. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/138 Deportation of aliens from the Federation of Malaya. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/145 Speculation about a Communist courier system in Malaya. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/146 Communist propaganda in the Malayan press and in the London paper "Malayan Monitor," edited by H Lin Lim. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/148 Assessment of Chinese community support in combating Communism in Malaya. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/149 Recruitment of Chinese for the Malayan security forces: indifferent success. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/150 Communist activity in Chinese schools in Malaya. 1952. 6 Feb 2015.
CO 1022/151 Malay Rehabilitation Centre for Malay detainees. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/152 Policy on rewards for information leading to death or capture of Communist terrorists in Malaya. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/162 Communist activity in Malayan detention camps. 1951. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/163 Decision to set up a detention camp on an island off the coast of North Borneo; increased effort to ship more deportees to China. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/165 Reorganization of the Malayan Police Force following the visit of the Secretary of State in 1951. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/166 Comments on British press articles about the police forces of Malaya and Singapore. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/174 Citizenship legislation in the Federation of Malaya. 1951-1953. 6 Feb 2015.
CO 1022/176 Aims and activities of the Malayan Chinese Association (MCA); evidence of increasing anti-British feeling among Malayan Chinese. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/183 Constitution and functions of the "United Malays National Organisation" (UMNO). 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/186 Activities of the Malayan Indian Congress. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/187 Functions and activities of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP). 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/189 Petition to the Queen by the Peninsular Malays Union (PMU). 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/190 The Malayan Nationalist Party, Party Kebangsaan Malaya an exclusively Malay party. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/191 Movements towards inter-communal political alliances of parties. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/195 Indications of the formation of a Third Force Party in opposition to Communism. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/196 Activities of Malayan Forum. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/198 Activities of the Kuomintang Party in the Federation of Malaya and Singapore. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/202 Fortnightly abstracts of intelligence submitted by the Criminal Investigation Department of Malaya. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/212 Political situation summaries for South-East Asian territories compiled by the Commissioner-General's Office, Singapore.
CO 1022/205 Comments on a paper compiled by the Combined Intelligence Staff, Federation of Malaya, entitled "Review of the Emergency. Situation on the Thai-Malaya Frontier". 1952-1953. ME. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/209 Monthly reviews of Pan-Malayan political and security intelligence issued jointly by Special Branches of the Federation of Malaya and the Singapore Police. 1951-1952. Open 14 February 2008.
CO 1022/212 Political situation summaries for South-East Asian territories compiled by the Commissioner-General's Office, Singapore. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/223 Delegation of Powers Ordinance 1952 of the Federation of Malaya. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/241 Investigations into mechanical production of rice on dry paddy fields in Malaya; report for 1950 by the Department of Agriculture of the Federation. 1950-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/247 Conference of the Malaya/Borneo Governors, held at Phoenix Park, Singapore. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/275 Loan programme of the Federation of Malaya. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/295 Minutes of meetings of the Conference of Rulers of the Malay States. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/299 Elections to councils of state in the Federation of Malaya; recommendation for appointment of an expert to report on local government. 1951-1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/317 Supply of arms obtained by bandits in Malaya. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/331 Colonial Office: South East Asia Department: Original Correspondence. Development Plans in South-East Asia territories. Federation of Malaya. 1953. 6 Feb 2015.
CO 1022/337 Federation of Malaya: progress report on the 1950-1952 Development Plan. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/351 Measures for safety and protection of HM Representatives in South-East Asian territories. 1951-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/376 Repayment of cost of repatriation of an Arab Ahmad Idris from Singapore to Jedda. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/380 Contribution in respect of South-East Asian territories, for the Secretary of State's annual report to Parliament, 1953. 1952-1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/381 Report to the Secretary of State on constitutional advance in South-East Asia. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/422 Social welfare reports, Federation of Malaya. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/434 Muslim affairs in the Federation of Malaya and Singapore. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/463 Economic position of the Malays in Malaya. 1952-1953. 6 Feb 2015.
CO 1022/464 Racial discrimination in South-East Asia. 1952. 3 Mar 2015.
CO 1022/494 Visits to London in June 1952, December 1952, and May 1953 by the High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya, General Sir Gerald Templer and matters arising therefrom. 1953. 3 Mar 2015.
DO 35/6284 Request for use of UK forces for internal security role in Malaya after independence. 1957.
DO 35/9807 Communists in Malaya. 1957-1958.
FCO 141/7240 Malaya: abolition of British Advisers. 1953 Jan 01 - 1955 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7258 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; points left by Defence Agreement Working Party for further discussion. 1956 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7261 Malaya: proposed contact between the Federation of Malaya and the UK on military matters after independence. 1957 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7266 Malaya: Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; 8th Meeting, 25 February 1957. 1957 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7275 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; papers considered by the UK delegation. 1956 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7306 Malaya: monthly political intelligence reports. 1953 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7310 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; 3rd meeting, 7 May 1956. 1956 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7311 Malaya: Malayan Defence Agreement; location of forces. 1956 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7314 Malaya: monthly political intelligence reports, Selangor. 1957 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7317 Malaya: monthly political intelligence reports, Negri Sembilan. 1957 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7318 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; draft sections on financial questions including rates. 1956 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7319 Malaya: monthly political intelligence reports, Negri Sembilan. 1953 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7320 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; 4th meeting, 22 May 1956. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7321 Malaya: Defence Scheme, Federation of Malaya and Singapore, preface, part I. 1951 Jan 01 - 1951 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7322 Malaya: monthly political intelligence reports, Kedah. 1953 Jan 01 - 1955 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7323 Malaya: arrangements for occupation of land in Federation of Malaya by the UK service authorities for purposes of the Malayan Defence Agreement. 1957 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7339 Malaya: monthly political intelligence reports, Perlis. 1953 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7364 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; criminal jurisdiction and related issues. 1954 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7369 Malaya: political affairs in Thailand. 1956 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7375 Malaya: Penang disturbances, January 1957. 1957 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7378 Malaya: monthly political intelligence reports from Secretary for Chinese Affairs. 1955 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7379 Malaya: monthly political intelligence reports, Trengganu. 1953 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7396 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; 5th meeting, 5 June 1956. 1956 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7438 Malaya: general review of emergency situation in Malaya, March 1956. 1956 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7463 Malaya: papers for the Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East). 1955 Jan 01 - 1955 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7485 Malaya: Malayanisation. 1955 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7497 Malaya: codewords. 1953 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7501 Malaya: Federation weekly summaries of intelligence. 1956 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7518 Malaya: Defence Agreement between the UK and Federation of Malaya; discussions in London, December 1956. 1956 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7519 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; procedure, progress reports and points outstanding after 7th meeting. 1956 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7526 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; 7th meeting, 19 November 1956. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7528 Malaya: monthly Political Intelligence Reports, Selangor. 1953 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7529 Malaya: monthly Political Intelligence Reports, Resident Commissioner, Penang. 1953 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012. 090515.
FCO 141/7535 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; 1st meeting, 16 April 1956. 1956 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7539 Malaya: Federation summaries of intelligence. 1957 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/7792 Malaya: out telegrams from High Commissioner Federation of Malaya to Secretary of State for the Colonies, 401-780, 1956. 1956 Jan 01 - 1956 Dec 31. Open 18 April 2012.
FCO 141/14909 Singapore: Federation of Malaya monthly political reports and monthly intelligence reports. 1956 Jan 01 - 1957 Dec 31. Open 27 September 2013. 090515.
FCO 141/15655 Singapore: Weekly Intelligence Summaries of the Security Forces, Malaya. Orderable at item level. 1952 Jan 01 - 1953 Dec 31. Open 27 September 2013. 090515.
FCO 141/15656 Singapore: Weekly Intelligence Summaries of the Security Forces, Malaya. 1951 Jan 01 - 1952 Dec 31. Open 27 September 2013. 090515.
FCO 141/15657 Singapore: Weekly Intelligence Summaries of the Security Forces, Malaya. 1951 Jan 01 - 1951 Dec 31. Open 27 September 2013. 090515.
FCO 141/15662 Singapore: Federation of Malaya Police intelligence summaries. With map. 1948 Jan 01 - 1949 Dec 31. Open 27 September 2013. 090515.
FCO 141/15665 Singapore: Federation of Malaya Police operational intelligence summaries. 1950 Jan 01 - 1950 Dec 31. Open 27 September 2013. 090515.
FCO 141/15951 Singapore: Police Intelligence Journal (Political and Security) Supplements. 1953 Jan 01 - 1955 Dec 31. Open 27 September 2013. 090515.
FCO 141/15952 Singapore: Pan-Malayan Reviews of Security Intelligence, later Singapore Police Intelligence Journals (Political and Security). Orderable at item level. 1952 Jan 01 - 1955 Dec 31. Open 27 September 2013. 090515.
FCO 141/15953 Singapore: Weekly Intelligence Summaries of the Security Forces, Malaya. Orderable at item level. 1953 Jan 01 - 1955 Dec 31. Open 27 September 2013. 090515.
FCO 141/15954 Singapore: Malayan Security Service (MSS) Political Intelligence Journals, 1946. 1946 Jan 01 - 1946 Dec 31.
FCO 141/15955 Singapore: Malayan Security Service (MSS) Political Intelligence Journals, 1947. 1947 Jan 01 - 1947 Dec 31.
FCO 141/15956 Singapore: Malayan Security Service (MSS) monthly intelligence summaries, 1947. 1947 Jan 01 - 1947 Dec 31.
FCO 141/15985 Singapore: Political Intelligence Bureau for Malaya; proposals. 1922 Jan 01 - 1925 Dec 31. Open 29 November 2013
FCO 141/15994 Singapore: Singapore_memorandum for publication, 'The Need for Local Forces in Malaya'. 1921 Jan 01 - 1921 Dec 31.
FCO 141/15995 Singapore: Singapore_memorandum for publication, 'The Need for Local Forces in Malaya'. 1921 Jan 01 - 1921 Dec 31.
FCO 141/16880 Singapore: internal security in Malaya. 1946 Jan 01 - 1947 Dec 31. Open 27 September 2013.
KV 4/421 Serial 1a - Memo of Instructions for Head of SIFE; Serial 3a - Charter for SIFE; Serial 24z - Functions of SIFE 1946 Aug 01 - 1947 Feb 03.
KV 4/422 Serial 87a(1) - Chart of duties of SIFE officers, 1947 Nov 21 - 1949 Sep 23.
KV 4/423 Serial 149a - Account of SIFE 1948 Oct 07 - 1949 May 14.
WO 203/4497 Malaya: intelligence 1945 Oct.-1946 Mar.
WO 203/6096 Malaya Command : intelligence summaries. 1946 May- Oct.
WO 203/2585 Malaya Command intelligence summaries. 1945 Oct.-1946 Apr.
WO 208/3932 Combined Intelligence Staff summaries. 1948 July-Dec.
WO 208/3217 Intelligence reports on political and military situation. 1943 Feb.-1948 Aug.
WO 208/3884 Malaya landing operation. 1946.
WO 208/3932 Combined Intelligence Staff summaries. 1948 July-Dec.
WO 291/1176 Some observations on jungle patrol communication problem in Malaya. 1949.
WO 291/1642 Some improved wireless techniques for jungle patrol in Malaya. 1950.
WO 291/1654 Operational research in Malaya. 1951.
WO 291/1655 Tear gas against bandits in Malaya. 1951.
WO 291/1670 Comparative study of emergencies in Malaya and Kenya. 1957.
WO 291/1682 Army ambushes in Malaya with particular reference to weapons, Sept 1952 - June 1953. 1953.
WO 291/1684 Army patrols contacts in Malaya with particular reference to weapons, Sept 1952 - Aug 1953. 1953.
WO 291/1696 Preparation of tank going maps of Malaya. 1955.
WO 291/1699 Interrogation of 112 surrendered communist terrorists in 1956. 1956.
WO 291/1722 Operational analysis : June. 1952.
WO 291/1723 Operational analysis : July and August. 1952.
WO 291/1724 Ambushes : causes of success and failure. 1952.
WO 291/1725 Patrolling in the Malayan emergency. 1952.
WO 291/1726 Salient features of patrols and ambushes in the Malayan emergency. 1953.
WO 291/1727 Operational analysis, Sept-Dec 1952. 1953.
WO 291/1728 Communist terrorist camps in Malaya. 1953.
WO 291/1729 Weapon analysis of patrols and ambushes. 1953.
WO 291/1730 Operational analysis, Jan-Apr 1953. 1953.
WO 291/1731 Statistical survey of activities by security forces in Malaya from May 1952-Apr 1953. 1953.
WO 291/1732 Statistical examination of events in relation to SF and CT activities in Malaya, Sept 1952-July 1953. 1953.
WO 291/1733 Operational analysis, May-Aug 1953. 1953.
WO 291/1734 Problem of battalion performance in Malaya 1952-1953. 1954.
WO 291/1735 Operational analysis, Sept-Dec 1953. 1954.
WO 291/1736 Standards of shooting in Malaya in 1952-1953. 1954.
WO 291/1738 Assessment of battalion performance Mar 1953-Feb 1954. 1954.
WO 291/1739 Operational analysis Jan-Apr 1954. 1954.
WO 291/1740 Ground attacks on communist terrorist locations in Malaya Mar 1953-July 1954. 1954.
WO 291/1741 Statistical examination of terrorist inspired incidents in Malaya. 1954.
WO 291/1742 Observation on human ecology of Malayan jungle. 1954.
WO 291/1743 Forward area listening devices in Malaya. 1955.
WO 291/1746 Comparison of security force operations before, during and after amnesty period. 1956.
WO 291/1747 Lethality of shells and mortar bombs in the jungle : preliminary report. 1957.
WO 291/1748 Marking of supply dropping zones in Malayan Jungle. 1957.
WO 291/1749 Report on results of spraying jungle clearings in Johore. 1953.
WO 291/1750 Experimental patrol sender. 1954.
WO 291/1751 CMU as a pre-emergence herbicide against four Malayan crops. 1954.
WO 291/1752 Clearance of perimeter strips around jungle forks in Malaya. 1954.
WO 291/1753 CMU "Trioxone", 2, 4, 5-T and 2, 4-D as herbicides against four mature Malayan crops. 1954.
WO 291/1754 Report on spraying of cultivations in north Perak. 1955.
WO 291/1755 Operational use of CMU against communist terrorist cultivations in Malaya. 1955.
WO 291/1756 CMU as a pre-emergence herbicide against Lallong. 1955.
WO 291/1757 Some statistics of the emergency in Malaya from Jan 1954 - June 1955. 1955.
WO 291/1758 Two-shape method of destroying Malayan forests by fire. 1956.
WO 291/1759 Spraying tapisca with trioxone by hand. 1956.
WO 291/1760 Analysis of fire encounters with communist terrorists, 1955-1956. 1956.
WO 291/1763 Study of surrender behaviour among Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya. 1953.
WO 291/1764 Preliminary study of entry behaviour among Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya. 1953.
WO 291/1766 Further study of surrender behaviour among Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya. Undated.
WO 291/1769 Investigation into the value of ground loudspeaker equipment in anti-terrorist operations in Malaya. Undated.
WO 291/1770 Items of psychological warfare intelligence as obtained from surrendered communists in Malaya. 1953.
WO 291/1771 Further items of psychological warfare intelligence as obtained from surrendered communists in Malaya. 1953.
WO 291/1772 Further study of surrender behaviour among Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya. Undated.
WO 291/1773 Study of reasons for entering the jungle among Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya: Part I; overt reasons. 1953.
WO 291/1774 Study of reasons for entering the jungle among Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya: Part II; economic factors. 1954.
WO 291/1778 Study of reasons for entering jungle among Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya : Part III; some political factors in terrorist recruitment and surrender. 1954.
WO 291/1779 Study of reasons for entering jungle among Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya : Part IV; social factors. 1954.
WO 291/1780 Study of reasons for entering jungle among Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya : Part V; mental ability and educational factors in terrorist recruitment and surrender. 1954.
WO 291/1781 Study of reasons for entering jungle among Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya : Part VI ; summary of conclusions. 1954.
WO 291/1782 Investigation into communist terrorist recruitment and losses in Malaya 1951-1953. 1954.
WO 291/1783 Study of surrender in Malaya during period Jan 1949-June 1954. 1954.
WO 291/1785 Some statistics realting to communist terrorists recruitment in Malaya. 1954.
WO 291/1786 Study of surrenders amongst communist terrorists in Malaya June-Nov 1954. 1954.
WO 291/1787 Some statistics realting to communist terrorists recruitment in Malaya. 1954.
WO 291/1788 Effects of international affairs on communist terrorists in Malaya. 1954.
WO 291/1791 Study of reasons for entering jungle within a group of Chinese communist terrorists in Malaya: Part VII; study of differences between opinions held by surrendered enemy personnel (SEP) and civilians. 1955.
WO 291/1832 Study of near infra-red effectiveness of natural backgrounds in Malaya. 1954.
WO 291/1876 Night cloud cover in Malaya in relation to use of movement light reflected from clouds. 1955.
WO 361/1226 Far East: Malaya and Thailand; Royal Army Ordnance Corps; deaths. 1945 Nov 21 - 1945 Nov 28. Open 22 April 2011.
National Army Museum Templer Study Centre
Barbara Harper-Nelson, Women's Voluntary Service: corresp rel to service in Malaya (1950-1957) 1952-1957 (2013-07-3)

General Intelligence Staff, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia Command: official reports and histories on operations, divisions and post-war administration in Burma, Malaya, Japan and Sumatra (1943-1946) 1941-1945 (2013-12-11)