Sunday, February 12, 2017

ISIL in Brussels

ISIL in Brussels

On November 14, 2015, a state of emergency was declared across France, after 130 people were killed and 368 injured in a series of coordinated attacks over a nearly four-hour period, beginning outside the national stadium during a football match and followed by several shootings and a suicide bombing at cafes and restaurants. 

It was the highest death toll in an attack in Europe since 1988.

The police investigation into it focused on fighters belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS). 

Questions were raised about the extent of ISIL's presence on the continent.

Four months later, on March 22, 2016, two bombs were detonated at Brussels airport and one bomb at a metro station in the heart of the Belgian capital. The attacks were claimed by ISIL. Forty-eight people were killed, and more than 300 were injured.

Following the Paris attacks, Brussels was put on the highest level of security alert. But it also became the focal point of the search for the cell, considered the most dangerous and wanted group in Europe.

Four Belgian nationals became the prime suspects. This ISIL cell, headed by Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was based in Molenbeek, an ethnically diverse district of Brussels. The city emerged as a recruiting ground for ISIL and a base for many of its activities in Europe.

ISIL recruitment seems to work through private networks. They are deeply covert and so not easy to track. Cells are not necessarily connected, but there are common factors: 80 percent of their members were born to Arab immigrant families.

Al Jazeera correspondent Tamer Al-Misshal goes to Molenbeek to investigate how the cell evaded detection. He uncovers a secret database of Europeans recruited by ISIL to fight in Syria and secretly meets a former ISIL fighter as well as one of the first Belgians to join the group.

He investigates ISIL recruitment in jails, as many recruits, including Abdelhamid Abaaoud, have a criminal background, and asks why the authorities failed to track Abaaoud in the criminal justice system.

ISIL in Brussels

Goldman Sachs: The bank that rules the world

Goldman Sachs: The bank that rules the world

An investigation into the role of one of the most influential banks in the world.

Ever since the stock market crashed, on the night of September 15, 2008, the name Goldman Sachs, or GS, has been appearing everywhere: in the collapse of the financial system, the Greek crisis, the plunge of the euro, and the campaign to prevent regulation of financial markets.
The investment bank created in New York in 1868 has carved out its reputation and success by working silently behind the scenes.
But today GS stands accused of myriad charges: playing a key role in the subprime loan fiasco, pushing several of its competitors into bankruptcy, helping countries like Greece hide their deficits before speculating on their downfall, precipitating the fall of the euro, and influencing the consumer price index. And yet GS has come out of this latest crisis richer and more powerful than ever.

Goldman Sachs: The bank that rules the world

Iraq: A Deadly Deception

Iraq: A Deadly Deception

An inside look at how world leaders and the American public were duped into a war that cost thousands of lives.

On the evening of 9/11, George W Bush made a vow to the American public - that he would defeat terrorism.
Unknown to those listening in shock to the presidential address, the president and his advisers had already begun planning their trajectory into an invasion of Iraq. It was packaged as "holding responsible the states who support terrorism" by Richard Perle, a Pentagon adviser between 2001 and 2003.
"I believe it represented a recognition that we would never succeed against the terrorists if we went after them one at a time and as long as governments were facilitating the organisation, training, equipping of, financing of terrorist organisations, we were never going to get it under control," says Perle.
After 100 days spent fighting those who had become publicly accepted as the culprits - Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan - the US set the ball rolling for war against Iraq.
On the evening of 9/11 the president is saying: well, maybe we'll be going after Iraq now and somebody said, well, that would be against international law. The president responded: I don't care, we're going to kick some ass.
Ray McGovern, CIA analyst, 1963-1990
Perle published an article in The New York Times damning Iraq, primarily for its "collaboration with terrorists" and for "convincing" evidence regarding its involvement in the 9/11 attacks.
By then, of course, advisers had already convinced President Bush of the need for an intervention in Iraq. Among them was Ahmed Chalabi, an Iraqi politician and enemy of Saddam Hussein. He would come to be viewed as a controversial figure, seen by some as providing questionable information to facilitate the decision to go to war.

A member of the Iraqi National Congress (INC), Chalabi and other Iraqi exiles, appeared to be motivated by the prospect of taking over from Saddam. Ignored by the Clinton administration, they had aligned themselves with the Republican Party. When George W Bush and his administration took office, the Iraqi exiles found themselves in an enviable position: they had the confidence of the administration and were willing to say anything to ensure that Saddam was removed.
As the case a for war was being constructed behind the scenes, Bush continued to prepare the public.
"Afghanistan is still just the beginning. If anybody harbours a terrorist, you're a terrorist. If they fund a terrorist, they're a terrorist. If they house terrorists, they're terrorists ... If they develop weapons of mass destruction, that will be used to terrorise nations, they will be held accountable," Bush declared during a speech at the White House in November 2001.
Under the guise of fear of weapons of mass destruction, or WMDs, the American public was lulled into a false sense of urgency, ultimately justifying an invasion that American intelligence had already deemed unnecessary - years of investigations and monitoring had come up with no evidence that Iraq had WMDs.
In early 2002, the military machine was set into motion. But approval from Congress would still be needed. the Central Intelligence Agency was asked to carry out a National Intelligence Estimate. The document that was eventually produced - and only made available to the public 13 years later, in 2015 - was a cautious and contradictory evaluation, seemingly intended to assist Bush in his indictment of Saddam's alleged path towards nuclear weapons. Congress approved the war.
"I found the document to be very unpersuasive, and it was a significant part of my ultimate decision to vote against the war in Iraq," says former Florida senator, Bob Graham.
In late 2002, as Bush and the pro-war camp were getting ready to formally announce the US' commitment to war in Iraq, a mystery dossier, reportedly circulated by an Italian military secret service agent, landed on Vice President Dick Cheney's desk. The dossier claimed that there had been irregular sales of concentrated uranium, or "yellowcake", from Niger to Iraq.
The dossier was invalidated by US diplomat Joe Wilson and the Italians, but Cheney ignored their warnings. Its claims would later be questioned by the French government and France would go on to become one of the most vocal voices against the Iraq war. The "yellow cake" document was finally refuted by Mohamed ElBaradei, the director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
The sales campaign that took place I would characterise as aggressive deception.
Bob Graham, former US senator
Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice spearheaded a media offensive with the government's WMD claims. The US media seemed to buy into it and convinced the public - the seeds of fear that had been sown months before were now ready to harvest.
In March 2003, American tanks rolled into Baghdad and the statue of Saddam is pulled down. It was a goal Chalabi had dedicated much of his life to achieving. But in retrospect, he seemed to have changed his opinion.
"The downward spiral started with the occupation. The coalition, especially the Americans, lost the moral high ground, and they became the jailers of the Iraqi people," says Chalabi.

Three years later, Bush would admit that Saddam did not, in fact, have WMDs.

The war resulted in an incalculable loss of human life. It cost the US almost $2 trillion in public money. And one of its "unintended consequences" was the creation of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS).
"I think one of the saddest aspects of our Iraq war is how quickly Americans have chosen to forget it," says Andrew Bacevich, a former US army colonel and military historian. "There seems to be an unwillingness on the part of the American people to acknowledge and to confront this enormous failure."
Source: Al Jazeera

Iraq: A Deadly Deception

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hamid Gul meninggal

Risikan - Pada hari Sabtu 15 Ogos 2015, mantan ketua perisikan Pakistan, Hamid Gul meninggal dunia. PBUH.
More stories:
Hamid Gul, 78, Dies; Backed Militants in Leading Pakistan Spy Agency…/hamid-gul-pakistans-former-spy-chi…
Hamid Gul dies at 78; former Pakistan intelligence chief…/la-me-hamid-gul-20150817-story.html

Persatuan Bekas Anggota Perisikan Malaysia (BARIS)

Persatuan Bekas Anggota Perisikan Malaysia (BARIS) telah dibatalkan pendaftarannya, Boleh batal. Apa bangsat sangat mata-mata gelap kita ni. Rasanya some of them have a very qualified degree but cannot handle the Persatuan. Zahid kena peka dgn hal ini kerana intelligence penting kpd negara.

No wonder la blog ini out of date tapi tidak dikeluarkan dari internet. Semua maklumat tentang AJK kacau bilau.

Call office 41422077 - tak berangkat, call SU Kehormat 012-2278929 & Peg Penyelaras 012-2511114 - masuk voice mail, WA juga SU K tak berbalas walaupun received and read. Nombor Pen SU K 012-6439118 pulak belong to Chinese.

Perisik adalah benteng keselamatan Malaysia (nation security) tapi jika beginilah sikap bekas perisik, usah diharap untuk memberi sumbangan & idea.
Rasanya ahli persatuan ini terdiri dari Tan Sri, Dato Seri Utama, Dato Seri, Dato', Datuk, Datok kerana bercucu (like myself, non-commercial title) dsbnya.
Makan pencen ajalah sampai ke mati.
Antara aktiviti yg dicadangkan ialah:
1. Mencadangkan kpd PM & Hishamudin utk diwujudkan 1Malaysia Intelligence (1MI). Barulah gah 1MI bertemu CIA & FBI bukannya KDN. Apa KDN - lekeh sangat. Badan perisik British dinamakan MI5 dan MI6, gerun bunyinya. Hishamudin pergi jumpa CIA & FBI bawa KDN. Anggotanya polis, tentera, imigresen, kastam dll. Macam nasi berlauk je. Tak de ooommmppphhh langsung.
 2. Membina Muzium Persikan Malaysia.
3. Pameran aset perisikan sejak zaman prasejarah hingga kini.
4. Melatih PALAPES dan SUKSIS menjadi perisik dan dihantar ke segenap pelusuk negara untuk mengumpul data.
5. Mengumpul maklumat perisikan semasa pemerintahan British 1954 hingga 1957di National Archives, London.
6. Membangunkan data base perisik Malaysia.
7. Mengadakan identiti yang sangat ketara (obvious) dgn mereka bentuk bendera, badge, kad identiti (ahli) dll.
8. Ikut serta dalam perarakan Hari Merdeka dgn memakai identiti yg obviuos.
9. Mengadakan perhimnpunan berkala disetiap ibu negeri bagi menayatakan sokongan kpd kerajaan.
9. Menyokong Najib sepenuhnya dgn memberi input mengenai latest assets & equipments for intelligence.
10. Menubuhkan syarikat untuk membekalkan assets & equipments kpd kerajaan.
11. Mewujudkan Yayasan Perisik Malaysia.
dan lain-lan ...

Lihat post sama dalam Kamal Rahman face book

Sunday, January 8, 2017

russian hacking

Laporan Perisikan Amerika Syarikat mendedahkan Presiden Rusia, Vladimir Putin membantu bakal Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Donald Trump muncul pemenang Pilihan Raya 8 November lepas.

 russian hacking

Sejarah hitam bagi AS jika tolak laporan perisik

Pada 6 Januari 2017, Office of the Director of National Intelligence telah mengeluarkan laporan perisikan berkenaan yang boleh dimuat turun di sini

Muzium Perisikan Malaysia

Muzium Perisikan Malaysia

Pada 18 Mac 2013 bersamaan 3 tahun 7 bulan ambo telah menghantar proposal kepada Najib untuk mewujudkan 1Malaysia Muzium. Konsep interpretif (I'm prefer using interpretive, instead of interpretative - American product) yang sama boleh diterapkan kepada Muzium Perisikan Malaysia. 
Juga boleh melihat idea disebalik The Military Intelligence Museum yg terdapat di UK (same post in FB).

The Military Intelligence Museum

batang kali

69 years of Batang Kali massacre

Relatives lose fight for inquiry into 1948 Batang Kali 'massacre'